Sunday 27 September 2020

Brain Training For Dogs


Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I'm a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years I've been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog.

Every dog without exception - has a hidden intelligence inside.

It's an untapped resource to help you remove just about any troublesome behavior.

Keep reading to find out more…

I'm going to reveal how you can QUICKLY eliminate any behavioral problem… no matter how badly you think it's ingrained… no matter what kind of dog you have.

If that excites you, I know you'll find this letter EXTREMELY valuable…

"Because I'm going to show you a dog training system that took me 10 years to perfect - (and tens of thousands of dollars to learn) - a PROVEN "Battlefield-Tested" system for creating an incredibly well-behaved, intelligent dog who follows your every command!"

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique…

  • Many other online dog training programs are created by PHONEYS with no certifications… This is dangerous, since using the wrong techniques will lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any "trainer" who does not list his/her professional certifications.

  • Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog's problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking - which is short term in its effectiveness at best - again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem.
  • Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.
  • Many other online dog training programs are created by PHONEYS with no certifications… This is dangerous, since using the wrong techniques will lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any "trainer" who does not list his/her professional certifications

The Science behind my dog training system

The science behind my system of correcting bad behaviors is simple.

You may have heard of the idea of ‘neuroplasticity’ in the human brain.

It's a well established idea researched heavily at Harvard and other leading universities.

In other words – our brains are like soft plastic – always capable of molding and changing to learn new habits and behaviors.

Well your dog's brain is the EXACT same.

With the right mental stimulation and training… (That you will get in my program) your dog's brain will become more open and receptive to learning new information.

Your dog will listen to you and better understand what you are telling him to do.

When this happens - your dog's bad behaviors simply fade away as more desirable ones appear in their place.

The bottom line is…

More intelligent Dogs are better behaved and more obedient

It makes perfect sense if you think about it.

A more intelligent dog has the capacity to take commands easier and understand what you need from him.

In my 10 years as a dog trainer, I realized pretty quickly that more intelligent dogs are much easier to train bad habits out of and teach new skills to.

It's the same with children really.

If a child is bored and not stimulated intellectually - they tend to misbehave and cause trouble.

When you stimulate your dog's mind correctly with a very specific set of games I'm going to show you…

  • Your dog's problem behaviors can fade away
  • Your dog will be better behaved and more obedient
  • Your dogs ability to learn will skyrocket
  • Your dog's temperament will improve
  • Your bond with your dog will become stronger
  • Your dog's health will improve

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Free Access to GrooveFunnels

Free Access to GrooveFunnels - the new best way to build better funnels

- Free for LIFE

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- $99/month value… Now free.

- Grab your account while you still can!

The world has changed so much recently.

And during these times, I am always excited whenever I find new solutions to help you in whatever way I can.

I’m sure you’ve heard of software tools designed to help you build websites, sales pages and online funnels.

Because sales funnels are proven to be effective, any such tools could reasonably command high monthly fees to access

Unfortunately, this could also be out of reach for many business owners and marketers who are on a budget, especially during uncertain times.

This is where GrooveFunnels comes in.

GrooveFunnels is the new, better way to build funnels and sell digital products online.

It’s not just one or two simple tools, or solely a “funnel builder,” either.

This is your complete digital products and services online sales system.

Co-founded by Mike Filsaime, one of the top Internet marketing experts in the world, GrooveFunnels is a suite of products that includes all the tools you need to run your online business.

They have built a complete, all-in-one platform with all the essential tools so you don’t need to worry about multiple subscriptions to a variety of services that would easily add up to thousands per month.

Finally, you can get instant access to practically everything you need to sell your products and services online.

… Including:

- Full product funnels

- Brand websites with full navigation

- Custom domain names

- 1-click upsell capabilities

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- The world’s most powerful affiliate program

- And so much more…

Yes, this is a game changer.

And today, for a limited time only, you can get started for absolutely free.

No credit card. Lifetime access. Unlimited usage. Forever.

I’m not sure about you, but I will be switching my entire business over to GrooveFunnels.

Literally everything I need, and save thousands a month in the process.

You’ll have to see it to believe.

Take a closer look at it yourself, and pick up your free account while you’re there:

Let me know what you think.

To your success,


P.S. Mike told me that he is making some huge upgrades to his tools over the next several days, and we’re not sure if this will continue to be free for long. However, if you get your account right now, you’ll still be able to keep your account for life, including all the future updates to the tools. Take some time to learn all about the software, but be sure to grab your free account before it’s too late.


The Marketing Experience

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The Marketing Experience Podcast

In this episode, President and CEO of Strategic Profits Rich Schefren joins the Groove Team to discuss scaling and business strategy.

Groove Digital CEO Mike Filsaime, Groove President John Cornetta, and COO Matt Serralta enjoyed Rich’s stories and perspective as he shared some of his experiences, and learnings from writing his book “Internet Business Manifesto.”


This episode was recorded at Media Zone’s
podcast studio in Palm Beach County, Florida.

0:00 – INTRO – Scaling a Company
4:28 – Build a business around your strengths and weaknesses
10:57 – Perfectionism
15:58 – Become a Founder
24:30 – Cost of Delay
30:56 – Manifesto Talk
33:51 – ‘You’ Diagram
36:43 – Marketing Stories
41:46 – Mike’s Journey
46:53 – Rich’s Analogy of Certainty
52:53 – Pluralize Verbs
54:50 – Scale Talk
57:57 – Iterations
1:00:56 – Agora
1:05:14 – Story about “a guy”
1:07:19 – Steve Jobs Trimming
1:10:11 – From Hustler to Founder
1:10:39 – OUTRO


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Friday 25 September 2020


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How to Be an Affiliate Marketing Rockstar?

Have you been living the rat race life for quite a while and now you've grown tired of the boss breathing down your neck and the exhausting office politics? Or maybe you simply need an extra source of income? Whatever your reason may be, if you want some good decent income going your bank account's way, doing affiliate marketing can be a very viable path to follow.

What exactly is affiliate marketing? It is a technique posing as a business opportunity that lets those with entrepreneurial spirit explore the world of passive income through marketing products for other businesses. You can earn through commissions.

So if you think you'd like to give affiliate marketing a try, how do you ensure your success in this field? Here are some very important tips you should follow:

- Choose your niche well.

One of the most important factors to consider in doing affiliate marketing is choosing the best affiliate company or products to market. It can make or break your earnings. If you have a certain field that you're most interested in, the easier you can go through the process of deciding what affiliate program to join. So start making a list of your interests and see what affiliate programs come up from that list.

- Create a website that gets followed....   

Affiliate marketing Sites

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Weight Loss Sites

    Womens eBook Store

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Thursday 24 September 2020

Creating Unique Sites for Affiliate Marketing

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Establishing yourself in the affiliate marketing world is no easy task. However, once you have, the rewards are much greater than one could usually expect. Your products and affiliate marketing sites will get you that success you want. But how do you get them to do that?

You are probably just starting out with affiliate marketing by trying your luck with just one product, or like many affiliate marketers, marketing multiple products to maximize profits. Either way, you should acknowledge the fact that the method in which you utilize your affiliate marketing sites is a major determinant of your success.

Creating unique affiliate marketing sites for your affiliate products pave the best way for maximized profits. Unique affiliate marketing sites allow for your prospects to focus highly on the certain product they need or want, or the niche in which that product belongs to. Further reasons why you should create unique affiliate marketing sites (and how these sites should look like) for your affiliate marketing ventures are stated below.


1. TO GET YOUR PROSPECTS FOCUS ON ONE PRODUCT. Your prospects probably landed on your page because they were specifically looking for your product. They would want to know more about the product, and considering just how patient (which isn’t much) customers can get these days, they wouldn’t want to know anything more. Imagine how they would get if you placed the descriptions of totally unrelated products beside the one they were looking for (for example, sneakers beside a computer)? You wouldn’t want to know just how much that would hurt your profits, except that since you care about your profits, you have to.

By focusing on one product at a time, you give your prospects the chance to get to know your product more. Plus, unique affiliate marketing sites are quite easy to maintain and establish: at most, a day or two to get everything (links, layout, entries, photos, etc…) right. You’d be extremely surprised just how these unique affiliate marketing sites focused on promoting a single product could bring in profits disproportionately high compared to the effort that went into making them.

2. TO GET THEM TO FOCUS ON A CERTAIN GROUP OF PRODUCT. Sometimes, customers who aren’t satisfied with the features and benefits of a product want to find other alternatives. It would be such a sad thing if you can’t provide them with that. By grouping similar products together in one unique affiliate marketing site, you can pretty much capture the market, despite all its preferences and specific needs.

The only problem with establishing unique affiliate marketing sites focused on a certain group of product is that they are much harder to do than single-product sites. The work is tedious, and you might end up having to hire someone else to do the job for you, which calls for money—money you would rather earn than spend. The trouble also is that these sites may not work right away—it may take awhile before profits come pouring in—and this could get quite a bit discouraging. If you have the patience for everything (creating the site, waiting for profits), then you could try your luck at this.


It isn’t enough to know what kind of affiliate marketing site to establish. Even if your site caters to a single product or multiple ones, they have to have a certain qualities to ensure success. To encourage profits, your unique affiliate marketing site should be:

1. USER-FRIENDLY. Create affiliate marketing sites that users could find easy to navigate. Keep links and buttons within acceptable reach, and at enough frequency.

2. WELL-FORMATTED. Do with a format or a layout that does well for the product you are trying to sell. Do not ever do the mistake of creating an affiliate marketing site meant for Big Bikes (ie, Harley Davidsons) with a layout composed of butterflies and pretty flowers (this is a thing for the insane to do).

3. ORGANIZED. Keep your unique affiliate marketing sites organized by placing appropriate links where they are most likely to be seen without interfering with everything else. Categorize your links and products as well (don’t just place hundreds of your links under one category). Keeping your site organized will entice your prospects to discover more, and click away.

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Wednesday 23 September 2020

Choosing the Perfect Web Hosting for Your Affiliate Sites

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OK. So you have finally decided to become an affiliate marketer. You have finally settled on what products you are actually going to sell. Now, how to promote them?

Very little, if any, arguments exist as to the best way of promoting your affiliate marketing products—web sites. Yes, yes, the gazillions of websites, not to say affiliate marketing sites, out there make it quite difficult to end up on your page right away, but you don’t have to fret: with the power of search engines, pretty much everything is possible nowadays. If concepts such as “web hosting” and “creating your own affiliate marketing site” are relatively alien to you (as it is for quite a lot of people), then this article is for you.

Affiliate marketing can be easy if you know how to utilize relevant help well. These relevant help include, and are pretty much dominated by, web hosting. Web hosting come in as many shapes and sizes as affiliate marketers and their needs, which is reasonable, seeing as one way or another, an affiliate marketer really does have a specific web hosting that will cater to his or her needs perfectly.

Why would you need web hosting anyway? Affiliate marketing is a profession, and in order to be competent enough for your prospects, you need to appear as professional as possible. You need your own domains to promote your products beautifully. If you have multiple affiliate marketing products, you need as many affiliate marketing sites. In order for these affiliate marketing sites to work as they should, you need all the help you can get (especially if you know little about these technical web stuff). So how do you determine the proper web hosting?


Web hosting, as said, comes in all shapes and sizes. They all vary in their services, domains (some web hosting options come with a free domain), bandwidth, disk space, site templates, features (cPanel, spam checkers, search engine optimization, and website analysis tools, among others), customer and technical support, and price. It can get pretty confusing, considering just how complex the entire web hosting thing could get. Here are some good steps to follow to determine the right web hosting solution for you.

1. The first thing that you have to do is to remain sane and calm. Relax. The more you fret, the greater the chances are that you’ll settle for web hosting that cannot serve your needs.

2. The next thing that you have to do is list down your needs. Get them from reliable resources, such as fellow affiliate marketers, or other affiliate marketing sites. Also, look at your own affiliate marketing venture—how many products do you have, and how much do you think you can afford to pay for your web hosting? Take some time doing your research. The more you speed things up, the easier it would be for you to miss out on details.

3. Now that you have your needs, find a web hosting solution that provides for them. A lot of web hosting now cater specially to affiliate marketing sites and needs, and you might want to check them out first. There are many web hosts out there, and you need to keep your head straight to find the one that is perfect for you. Keep your list of needs with you all the time. You will have to take a good look at them over and over again before you find that one web hosting solution perfect for your future affiliate marketing site.


You might find that listing your needs and matching those with a web hosting solution may not be enough. As a cliché might put it, there is no better teacher than experience. When looking for a web hosting solution, you might find hundreds that will cater to your needs, but since you only need one, choose the one you think best, but keep the contact information of those who came pretty close.

After a few months of sticking with your initial choice, however, and you aren’t as satisfied as you thought you would be, don’t be afraid to move on. Anyway, transferring your web hosting from one to another isn’t as difficult as others say so. Your new web host might even be willing to help you with the move.

This isn’t the only case wherein you might find that you need to leave your current web host. You might discover that over the years, your changes have changed, and the web hosting solution that once satisfied you no longer does. Move on. And do so with a light heart. Your affiliate marketing future might depend on that move.

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Article Your Way Through the Marketing World:

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Article Marketing to Help in Affiliate Marketing

Article marketing has been around way before online media has been invented. Business establishments have been known to promote their products and services through the written media even before the internet was invented. And with the onset of the internet, online article marketing has become an easier means of promotion compared to its older predecessors.

Not only is online article marketing free (like most of its predecessors), it is non-seasonal (meaning, people can read your articles the whole year round, without exception as to what season your article is most applicable to), and can exist for even much longer than you will.

Many online business pursuits, affiliate marketing among them, have made use of the ease and the accessibility which online article marketing offers them. However, this same ease has jeopardized many qualities good ol’ fashion articles used to have: fun, quality, and creativity, among others. Many article writers have apparently forgotten the fact that their articles are trying to serve real life people, and not virtual search engines.

If you are into affiliate marketing, you are reading the right article. If you are into online article marketing to help you promote your products, all the better. This article will help you outline the qualities your affiliate marketing articles should have to provide the best profits for you, without sacrificing your potential customers’ trust.


The main focus of online article marketing is to provide prospects with information at the click of a button. Your prospects do have a tendency to be impatient, so make your articles concise. Focus your articles on the product features and benefits your readers would most probably want to know about. If you feel you have enough skills as a writer, you might wish to omit some really good information about the product, and write in such a way that your readers might want to read more.

And never forget that not all information are created equal—some information are more beneficial than others, depending on the type of product you are promoting. Some products require a thorough discussion of the features, whereas a simple discussion of a product’s benefits might be enough for other types of products. The prospects should benefit from online article marketing, too, and if you have to, place yourself in your prospects’ shoes and try to imagine what kinds of things they would rather get from your articles.


Article writers nowadays are beginning to forget just how important quality is when it comes to written material. This isn’t to say that you have to be a major in journalism or a Nobel Prize winner in Literature to get to write well. The internet is bombarded with article-writing tips, a lot of which are even focused on online article marketing. If you still aren’t confident enough, you might wish to hire someone else for the job. Always remember that quality, and not quantity, articles will be best for your affiliate marketing venture.


How many crowded parties have you been to your entire life? And in how many out of these parties did you actually remember the names of all the strangers who attended? See how easy it is to remember the guy with the great sense of humor, or the girl with great conversational skills? Leave the same impression with your online article marketing efforts. Make your affiliate marketing prospects remember you. They may not buy anything off your hands right away, but the moment you sell them something they feel they need, the chances of them hesitating given their knowledge of your written humor is quite small.


This might just be the best way for you to get your articles read by as many people as possible. If you do decide to post your articles to as many article directories as you can handle, please have the decency to write articles that deserve that much exposure. Reading a badly written article is, well, bad enough, but having it posted all over the World Wide Web?

No one needs, or wants, a badly written article, all the more, hundreds of the same thing. Do yourself a favor and don’t simply kiss your success in the affiliate marketing world by posting hundreds of useless words online.


Article marketing is entirely useless if you can’t get people to read your articles. Make your articles easier to find online. Imagine what keywords your prospects are most likely to enter when looking for your products. Establish them in appropriate places throughout your article. And don’t forget the quality of your articles. Never ever forget.

Affiliate marketing has now become a much easier venture to undergo, especially with article marketing aiding its efforts. You can be successful in either of these ventures (affiliate marketing and article marketing) if you work hard enough. Following the tips mentioned won’t hurt as well. Always remember that in the world of business, success is never too far away.

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Understanding the Key Elements to Building a Solid List ...Affiliate Marketing Leads

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Once you go into affiliate marketing, you will find that one of the key concerns you will have to focus on is building your leads.  Leads often come in the form of e-mail addresses, behind which are real people with very real potential to become your customers, subscribers or members.  Having a solid list of leads is assurance that you will be capable of reaching a ready market and generating income from there.

The importance of affiliate marketing leads

Companies with a product or service to sell spend billions of dollars on advertising alone.  That's right – billions.  The purpose of spending such a huge amount of cash is mainly to build buzz about a product, expand the market and ultimately, bring in better sales.

In affiliate marketing, the cost of advertising is comparatively small and is paid for by the affiliate company.  So as an affiliate, that is no longer your concern.  Your only job is to look for a market to promote to that will respond to you positively so you can earn an income in return.

Unlike in a real world business, this market will come in the form of affiliate marketing leads.  The quality of these leads, along with the type and number of positive responses they offer will determine whether or not you'll succeed in affiliate marketing.  If you hear someone say, 'the money is on the list', he or she is actually referring to the list of leads.  Without this, you cannot hope to sell, much less earn.

Building your affiliate marketing leads

It's not rocket science, true, but affiliate marketing can be tricky nevertheless.  It's a proven business model and many affiliates have had considerable success in their chosen programs.  However, like all businesses, there are also certain factors upon which your success in building your list of affiliate marketing leads rest.  Consider these factors carefully:

Your reputation

As a new affiliate marketer, you will find that it will take a while before you can build your affiliate marketing leads.  All new marketers have gone through this since enjoying the patronage of a solid number of followers will not happen overnight.  

To attract a solid list of affiliate marketing leads, you will have to become a recognized business entity in the industry.  Without a reputation, potential leads will find it difficult to trust you or at least do business with you.  Faced with a choice between buying from a popular marketer versus an unfamiliar one, wouldn’t you rather buy from the person you know than from a total stranger?

The same is true with your affiliate marketing leads.  They will need to recognize you as a reliable merchant or affiliate before they agree to buy, participate or become one of your recruits.

Web traffic

Another key element that affects the number of affiliate marketing leads you can obtain is the amount of traffic your site receives.  A high web traffic figure is beneficial in two ways – it allows you to obtain comparatively larger affiliate accounts and increases your potential of building a bigger number of affiliate marketing leads.  

Without a good number of traffic to your website, you might have to either focus on using strategies to build it first or join a networking service offering affiliate programs instead.

The affiliate product

There are two things that affect how well you can build your affiliate marketing leads.  One is the product's value and the other is how well you yourself understand the product.

The choice of an affiliate product is critical to every affiliate.  An affiliate product that has a proven or at least a potential for good sales will be far easier to promote and generate income from.  It will also make it easier for an affiliate to build leads with, since prospects will be more willing to respond to it.

A good understanding of what makes the affiliate product attractive and valuable enough is also key to attracting more leads.  Being able to explain why and how a product works on your website or articles, for example, will help you sell it better, especially vis-à-vis other products competing for the same market.

The niche or target market

One common concern among affiliates is market saturation – that point in time when a specific segment of the market becomes flooded with the same (or at least similar) products and services.  So much so that it becomes increasingly difficult to sell, much less to convince prospective buyers to consider the product or service you're trying to promote.

You can avoid this, however, by focusing on generating affiliate marketing leads from specifically targeted segments of the market or niches.  Consider selling or promoting products that appeal to a specific group of people who have a common yet largely unmet need.  Competition for this market is relatively low and with the 

right kind of strategies, you'll find that this niche can be especially lucrative.

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Wanna Make Lots Of Money-An Online Affiliate Program Just Might Be Your Answer

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The Internet is an amazing thing. Never before in history has making money been so easy. You have instant access to hundreds of thousands of people with just a couple clicks of a button. To be successful with your online affliate program, you MUST know how to market a website. 

The first thing you should understand is that a website is an advertising tool. If used in combination with the various marketing ideas, you can make a hefty income in a relatively short amount of time. If you learn to properly use these pay per click search engines, it could mean thousands to your bottom line in just a couple weeks. Use them incorrectly, and you're out some cash quickly. Lucky for you, we will give you the inside scoop here.

Just like all of the other elements of your marketing plan, website promotion can cost money. Fortunately, what you pay for the exposure is still dimes on the dollar compared to traditional advertising, but it is an expense none the less. 

Pay per click search engines are a great idea, although they can get quite expensive if you aren't careful. 

The main benefit of using a PPC, is you are getting highly targeted visitors to your website and you only pay when someone visits your site by clicking on that link. Opt in newsletters are basically a service you offer on your website that lets people sign up to read about your valuable information. 

If you have knowledge about a topic that others could benefit from, you may do well with having a newsletter on your website. The first step is to gather a list of email addresses...and not just any list either. You have to get permission from the email address owner. Let me say this loudly....we are talking first-hand permission here. 

You can do that by offering a newsletter sign up form on your site, by giving away monthly goodies or by petitioning door to door. The key here is to re-kindle in them a burning interest in your website offering. You can offer some sort of Newsletter Specials, industry news, how-to advice etc. 

Once you have your list, schedule your email program so it is consistent and relevant to the needs and interests of your audience. Devoted advocates spread the word to their friends, relatives and office chums. And it doesn't cost you a penny for all of this free advertising.

If you do your job well, your reading audience will not only re-order they will become advocates.

You can also make good money from your newsletter once you get a couple of thousand subscribers. It is only a small amount of money if you look at how greatly it is going to benefit you in the long run and offers things such as text for a popup window, the scripts that handle signing up new subscribers, letting people unsubscribe at any time, lets you send email to your subscribers and more. 

Researching more about what all an affiliate program can do for you and for your financial growths is truly important, so dedication and remaining very determined is the key to your successful future. 

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Tuesday 22 September 2020

The Psychology of Weight Loss

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 The Psychology of Weight Loss

       You see the razor-thin models gracing the covers of magazines…you watch actors and actresses on the big screen who seem to never gain a pound.  And you wonder:  How do I differ from them?  You may be surprised to learn that a number of famous people at one time had difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.  But they were able to conquer their problem, thanks to a new-and-improved, healthy view of eating.

       You may not realize it, but there is a certain psychology at work in successful weight loss.  It is no surprise, then, that the magazine Psychology Today has explored the issue in-depth.  In October of 2004, the magazine posted an article on its website detailing the experiences of Diane Berry, a nurse practitioner who studied women who had shed at least 15 pounds and had maintained their weight loss for an average of seven years.  

       The women shared some important things in common.  For instance, they all achieved their weight loss through either Weight Watchers or TOPS, which meant that they had a firm support network as they tried to maintain their weight.  The group meetings were highly important, because they learned to recognize that they were certainly not alone in their struggles with weight.   The women were also quite unusual because up to 90 percent of individuals who have lost weight end up putting it back on within five years.   

         Another common trait of these women is that they appeared to undergo a profound mood shift as they made the transition from fat to thin.  From all indications, they appeared to be depressed when they were heavy but, as they attempted to lose weight, their mood brightened.  

          For these women, healthy eating became a habit—a habit they refused to break.  They themselves recognized the tremendous role that psychology plays in weight loss.  They refused to give in to negative feelings of frustration and denial and chose a positive path instead.  The women also made it a point to weigh themselves regularly so that they could chart their progress.

          And they recognized that maintaining weight loss would be a lifetime struggle.  They knew that they could not attempt a weight loss program then put it back on the shelf.  They had to learn new eating patterns that they could continue week in and week out.  In some cases, they likened their struggle to that of an alcoholic.  In other words, they recognized the gravity of their problem and took steps to correct the situation.  

       Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these women’s experiences was the fact that their weight loss actually came in spurts.  At times, they regained their weight, but they did not let that deter them from their final goal.  They simply viewed their setbacks as challenges that they needed to overcome.  This may be the key psychological trait that separates successful dieters from unsuccessful ones—perseverance.   In essence, these women were able to change their personalities in a positive way in order to achieve their long-term weight loss goals.

        Another interesting aspect of this study was that it showed that the women who had undergone weight loss transformation were genuinely happy.  This shows the tremendous psychological impact that weight loss can have on an individual.  Once an individual is free from the burden of extra weight, he or she is better able to meet the challenges of life head-on.  The dieter benefits from positive reinforcement, as relatives, friends, and co-workers congratulate him or her for the weight loss.  In this way, losing weight can be quite a life-affirming experience and can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life.

       It must be noted here that the psychology of weight loss is a complicated matter.  There is no single ingredient that can turn a fat person into a thin one.  However, recognizing that there is a psychological component to successful weight loss may, in fact, be half the battle.  Once an individual recognizes that he or she is engaged in a psychological fight, he or she is better able to do battle.  By retraining oneself to seek healthy approaches to diet, one can, in effect, mold oneself into a new individual—one that no longer lives to eat, but simply eats to live.  


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Brain Training For Dogs

ADLAND Pr0 Join it is FREE.. CLICK HERE.. BRAIN TRAINING FOR DOGS Dear Fellow Dog Lover, My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I'm a professio...